Monday, May 4, 2009

Clean House

I love living in a clean house.
But I don't love cleaning.
It's not natural for me.
What I mean is, I think I have tendencies towards messiness. And I have to be reminded to clean rather than be self-motivated to stay on top of it all.

I need external reminders.
And I'd rather the reminders not be piles of dirty laundry & dishes, seriously icky toilets, or toys scattered everywhere!
And that's the noticable stuff. What about dusting and closets that need organizing, etc?

So I've gone searching for help.
There's got to be some kind of system that will help me keep my house clean.

I've found a couple sites and articles that just might fit the bill.

First off, there's this wonderful article that discusses excerpts from the conference talk, "Mothers Who Know":

“Mothers who know are nurturers. This is their special assignment and role under the plan of happiness. To nurture means to cultivate, care for, and make grow. Therefore, mothers who know create a climate for spiritual and temporal growth in their homes. Another word for nurturing is homemaking. Homemaking includes cooking, washing clothes and dishes, and keeping an orderly home.”

So yes, we should all keep an orderly home. And there are some very good suggestions in that post:

My favorite tip is in the comments. The 15 minute blocks of cleaning, timed with a kitchen timer. I agree, we can do almost anything for 15 minutes. Even the dishes. And it amazes me how daunting dirty dishes can be, but then they're all cleaned within 15-20 minutes.
It's especially fun if I'm listening to some seriously upbeat music.
Maybe I just need more practice to better gauge how long certain chores actually take.

And speaking of length of chores. I'm all about minimizing them, and even preventing huge messes by developing better habits.
Here are two articles that had excellent tips:

• 7 Good tips that are easy to incorporate into daily activities :
• 10 Easy Household Tips:

Lastly, there's this book that I've found called, "Sidetracked Home Executives from Pigpen to Paradise".
This book was written in 1977 by two sisters, Pam Young and Peggy Jones. It describes a system Pam and Peggy came up with using 3 X 5 colored index cards to gain control over their housework. Over the years, Pam and Peggy's system has evolved to include routines and a planner. FlyLady uses their system to guide you through your path of peace.
Oh right, FlyLady.
This is a site that actually emails you the daily chores so you keep on top of it all.
Sounds good to me.

Well, let me know what you think and if any of the sites/suggestions work for you. Oh, and if you have any methods that help you keep it clean, please share with us all!

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